Bethel Park, Class of 1980

The Bethel Park Class of 1980 Reunion HAS BEEN CANCELED due to lack of interest by alumni.


We regret any inconvenience associated with canceling.


The Reunion Committee and A+ Reunions

Posted on Wednesday, September 15, 2010




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Let’s get together for a great evening of fun
and reminiscing about 
our high school days – 
the good, the bad and the ugly.

     Does this take you back to 1980?

 Calvin Klein shows off Shirtdresses * Official Preppy Handbook Published * TV Favorites included Fantasy Island, Taxi, Lou Grant Show, Soap, Little House on the Prairie * 83 Million Americans watched Dallas to find out "Who Shot J.R?" * Mount St. Helens erupted

 Hit Parade included Christopher Cross - "Sailing", Bette Midler - "The Rose", Air Supply - "Lost in Love", Blondie - "Call Me", Billy Joel - "Still Rock & Roll"

At the Movies included "Ordinary People", "Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back", "Urban Cowboy", "The Blues Brothers", "The Shining", "9 to 5"

 World Series Winners...Philadelphis Phillies

Super Bowl Winners...Pittsburgh Steelers 

 President Jimmy Carter * Vice President Walter Mondale

  Median Family Income - $21,023...Median Price of a New House - $64,600...New Car - $7,574...Gallon of Gas - $1.22...Loaf of Bread - .52 cents...Postage Stamp - .15 cents...Minimum Wage - $3.10


Reunion Planning Committee:

Teresa Stack, Thomas Ayres, John Cook, Mary Jack, Terri Thomas (Williams)




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